20 Questions! Who is our next announced guest?

Let’s play 20 questions in the comments. I have the name of our next guest in mind. Ask me any yes/no question in the comments, and let’s see how long it takes you to figure out who it is.

This is easier than most 20 questions games: you already know it’s a human being.

11 thoughts on “20 Questions! Who is our next announced guest?”

      1. I don’t know, but I think so (For people reading this who are not psychic, realthog is author John Grant. If I didn’t know that I’d have no idea.)


      2. If I didn’t know that I’d have no idea.

        Though the book cover in the gravatar might offer a clue . . . 🙂

        Anyway, that’s 4 questions so far. Okay, so it’s a male writer who’s over 50.

        5. Does he tend to write in series or standalones?
        6. Is he US or furrin?


  1. 5. He has written both in very long series and standalones, but the majority of his work has been in series format.

    6. He is US-born and still lives here.


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