Category Archives: Announcement

I-CON Outing! Let’s all go visit Papa Tolkien.

Tolkien: Maker of Middle Earth

Saturday, February 23 at 1:30pm.

The Morgan Museum and Library is hosting “Tolkien: Maker of Middle Earth”. Admission is $22 for general admission adults, $14 seniors, $13 students.

guided tour would require a $500 payment, but we don’t have to worry about that, because we have access to an internationally-invited (really) speaker on Tolkien and the Inklings, President of ICON Heather Onishea, who will be joining us to explicate, explain, elucidate, expatiate, and other words that start with “e”. Plus, the Morgan is a very cool museum (Rembrandt, Rubens, Gutenberg printings, and more).

If possible, please join our Facebook Event, so we can plan. (For one thing, enough attendance might get us a group rate.) Also, that might be a good place for those considering a carpool to congregate.

The Morgan specifically does allow costumes (but no weapons or masks).

We’ll be meeting outside the museum at 1:30pm. Anyone interested can also join us for an early dinner afterwards at Wo Hop in Chinatown.

Let’s do this thing!

Join the Team at a White Doomsday

LI-CON is on hiatus, but join the team at the movies!

Sorry to be gone for so long. We’re gearing up to start doing things again!

This is your last chance to see I’m Dreaming of a White Doomsday in 2018! We know that because it’s a December 29 showing. Come join the ICON Science Fiction team at the Merrick Cinemas 5. Winner of the Best Picture award at GenreBlast, IDoaWD tells the story of a mother and her young son struggling to survive in a bomb shelter.

Here is the official trailer:

There is very limited seating for this showing, so please purchase your tickets in advance at the Merrick Cinemas web site.

Join the Facebook Event for the showing to receive updates, including possible dinner plans.

We hear often from people who would like to see another LI-CON or I-CON. The second-best way to help us have one, is to join our other events. The best way to help is to volunteer. Ask us about that at the showing! See you there.

Carl’s Arisia Schedule

For anyone who might be in Boston MLK Day weekend, I’ll be doing several panels at Arisia

Popular Logical Fallacies         Sat 1:00 PM
Rhetoric, logic, and (proper) argument appear to be rare commodities (as recent presidential campaigns have amply demonstrated). From “ad hominem” to “No True Scotsman”, find out what argument styles just plain don’t wash, and learn how to avoid making these mistakes yourself.

The Technology of Star Trek         Sun 11:30 AM
Come celebrate the 50th anniversary of Star Trek by discussing the good, the bad, and the ugly about the depictions of technology on screen and paper: communicators, tricorders, hand-held computers, and dozens of things you remember that the panel forgot.

How We Learn                Sun 8:30 PM
How does the human mind absorb, retain, and recall information? What psychological and biological processes are involved? Does one learning method work for all, or do some learning styles suit certain types of people better?

Read All the Things!              Mon 10:00 AM
Sure, we have limited reading time, but there are some authors whose works clamor to be read in their entirety! Which authors? Come to this panel and find out! Each panelist will discuss the author whose complete works they deem absolutely essential. Come develop your reading list for the next year!

I Hate the Hero                 Mon 1:00 PM
Is there a story with a protagonist that you dislike or maybe is just not likeable. I don’t mean, ‘The heavy is cooler than the hero,’ which is common. I mean you loathe the hero, to the point of rooting for the antagonist just to see them fail. What makes a hero likeable and do they have to be likeable for fans to be interested in the story?

I hope to meet some of you there!

Science Year in Review, with John Rennie

Dinner! Discussion! Science!

Join John Rennie for an ICON benefit dinner round-up of 2015’s newest discoveries and most impressive technologies and how and when we may see them impact our lives and the future of scientific research.

$45 Per Person
$42 Per Person by December 25

The donation includes a delicious dinner at Domenico’s restaurant in Levittown. As LI-CON members know, John is a fascinating speaker and this is a chance to have a good time, maybe learn something, and help support ICON Science Fiction. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and all money we receive will go to support our activities and expenses.

Help Bring Back MST3K

LI-CON fans really loved our riffing tribute to Mystery Science Theater 3000. The original inspired and entertained millions for years.

Now show creator Joel Hodgson is bringing it back!

The “Bring Back MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000” KickStarter has already reached 70% of its goal–enough to have already funded 6 new episodes. It has a real chance of being the most successful movie/TV KickStarter ever!

I’m in. I’ve invested a bit of my money to get one of my favorite shows ever back on the air.

Now it’s your turn. Help us out, here. If we reach the 12-episode goal, there’s an excellent chance that a network will pick up the show again.


ICON Book Club: Connie Willis’ Doomsday Book

Join us at the Applebee’s in North Babylon, NY to discuss Connie Willis’ Hugo Award-winning novel, <i>Doomsday Book</i>. It’s a chance to talk about a cool book with people who appreciate things like that, and even if you haven’t read this one, join us and help us pick our next.

If you buy the book from Amazon, please use the link at the right of our front page. This costs you nothing at all, but gives ICON Science Fiction (the non-profit behind both LI-CON and I-CON) a bit of income.

I hope to see you there!

The Music of Paul Levinson: Hear it Live

Even if you can’t be at LI-CON on Saturday night, you can still listen to Paul’s concert. Just visit Paul’s YouTube channel:

He will be streaming his concert live!

(It will definitely be more fun if you come listen in person, though.)